
Let Us Cook!

Let Us Cook! is an Overcooked-inspired realtime multiplayer Java game where players work together to prepare and deliver as many restaurant orders as possible during each two-minute round.

The game was created by Dario Manser, Elagkian Rajendram, Leandro Lika, and Nillan Sivarasa between March and May 2024 as part of the second semester of our Bachelor’s degree of Computer Science at University of Basel, Switzerland.


First, grab the latest pre-built JAR from the releases or build it yourself. Once you have the JAR, you can print its command line usage by running java -jar <JAR>, where <JAR> is the path to your JAR file.

To play the game, you’ll need to start a server instance and at least one client.

For example, you can spin up a local server on port 9999 like so:

java -ea -jar <JAR> server 9999

Then, in a different terminal, you can start a client to connect to your local server like so:

java -ea -jar <JAR> client localhost:9999

If you want to connect to your server from other machines (or even from outside your network), you can configure your network accordingly or use a solution such as Tailscale, which is what we used. In that case, remember to replace localhost with your host’s IP address when starting the clients.




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